Saturday, February 23, 2013

Facebook helps keep pensioners sharp

Facebook helps keep pensioners sharp

Using Facebook in old age could help keep pensioners sharp and prevent mental decline in old age, according to a new study.
Over-65s who were taught to use the website performed 25 per cent better in memory tests after posting daily updates for an eight week period.
In contrast people who kept an online diary with no "sharing" element, or who did not use either website, saw no improvement during the same time frame.
Facebook could be just one way of helping older people stay socially active and engaged, which plays an important role preserving mental abilities in later life, researchers said.
The website keeps the brain active by providing a constant stream of information from friends which must be processed, while older information has to be either stored or erased, they explained.
The result is helpful in preserving abilities like "working memory", our capacity to store and use several pieces of information at the same time, for example when following a list of directions or doing mental arithmetic.
Researchers from the University of Arizona asked 14 men and women aged 68 to 91 who had never or rarely used Facebook to become Facebook "friends" with one another and post updates at least once a day for eight weeks.
Another group of 14 people kept an online diary of entries similar in length to Facebook posts but which were not shared with anyone else, while a third group did not use either site.
Follow-up tests of each group's working memory found that those who had used Facebook scored 25 per cent higher than before the trial began, while the other groups' scores did not change.
Janelle Wohltmann, a graduate student who led the study, presented her preliminary findings at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting in Hawaii this month.
She said: "There is evidence to suggest that staying more cognitively engaged – learning new skills, not just becoming a couch potato when you retire but staying active – leads to better cognitive performing.
"Learning how to use Facebook is a way to build what we call cognitive reserve, to help protect against and stave off cognitive decline due to normal age-related changes in brain function."

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